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Showing posts from 2016

Common Vegan Deficiencies and How to Avoid or Overcome Them

Vegans often spend so much time advocating against animal cruelty, promoting environmental sustainability and basically focusing on all other aspects of the vegan lifestyle that we forget to pay attention to the most vital part of being vegan - nutrition!  We sometimes forget to be mindful about our diet, consume vegan junk and fast food, while ignoring our body’s need for a balanced variety of nutrients. This can lead to health problems later on which detracts from the joy that comes with a vegan lifestyle.  But then again, this is something that happens to everyone, not just vegans. At one time or another, we all lose sight of taking care of our own needs, especially when we’re so focused  on making the world a better place. It’s part of being human.  The good news is that you can take steps to create more balance in your life and overcome this common slip-up. One way is to stay informed about the types of foods that one should consume in order to get the neces...

Veganism- Why it’s a lifestyle, not just a fad diet

                         I’ve only been vegan for a few years, and in those years I’ve grown so passionate about this lifestyle that I can’t help but share it with others every chance I get, especially because of the remarkable health benefits that I’ve gained from it.  In my discussions with people, I've come to notice that a majority of the general public get confused when you refer to being vegan as a lifestyle because they assume that it’s a choice that only affects your diet.  What people often don’t understand is that adopting a plant-based vegan or even vegetarian diet, comes as a part of a global set of behaviours and beliefs about life that make up a lifestyle. For instance, being vegan to me means eating fresh and healthy foods, enjoying a vigorous exercise regime, living sustainably, contributing towards environmental revitalisation, promoting compassion for animals and realising my body-mind’s hig...

What Will it Take?

How valuable is it for us today, to leave a better world for our children tomorrow? How sincere are we in our intention and actions towards making the world more peaceful, abundant and equal? What are we each willing to sacrifice to realise a world of unity, peace, beauty and understanding? I don’t have the answers, but I sure would like to know. What will it take? What will it take for humanity to ‘wake up’ from the seeming slumber and actually take action towards what we know to be the truth? When will we start collectively moving towards realising that truth? Will the world ever change for the better?   Will the world ever know peace ? Has the world ever been at peace at one point in history? What will be the meaning of our current generation’s story in the future? How will we be remembered? Have we made any difference to the way things are? Have we only just scratched the surface in saving the world despite our good deeds, good intentions and prayers?...

Is there really such a thing as ‘Healthy Competition’?

Today we live in a society that glorifies competition with others as an inevitable part of life, because apparently it ‘motivates’ us to perform better. Hence the idea of ‘healthy’ competition. But can competition really be healthy and is it even a necessary component of our modern culture?   I personally don’t think so.  To me, competition means comparing yourself to others, and more often than not, this leads to feelings of low self-esteem and a loss of dignity.  Why? For the simple reason that, it doesn’t matter where you fall on the win-lose pendulum, competing with others will always lead to some sort of disappointment because by definition, competition depends on the external validation of others. Plus, competition doesn’t really work because each of us is unique and competition forces us to fit into a predetermined label of perfection that doesn’t really exist because humans aren’t generic. Also, when you’re constantly competing with others you find that ther...

Beat the Cold: How to Exercise In Winter

I recently got a DM from a friend asking for advice on how to stay fit and motivated to train during winter. After giving her some tips, I realised that other people would probably benefit from this advice as well.  That's why I created the following guide on how to stay fit and motivated to train during winter. Get your training shoes on and let's get started:  Tip # 1: Warm Up  Develop a ‘warm up routine’ to help you get ready for your work outs.  For me this means putting my gym clothes on, brushing my teeth and doing warm up stretches. I go through this process almost automatically and in that order because it’s a routine that helps me to get into the ‘groove’ of things so to say. Your routine can be different depending on what time you exercise and how you exercise. The most important thing is to cultivate a ritual that precedes the actual workout. This helps to get you into the mood and tells your brain that you are now transitioning to that a...

Book Review: Heal Yourself 101 by Markus Rothkrantz

This book came as a timely resource for me because I started reading it right when I started fasting for Ramadan, and in the book Markus writes a lot about fasting as the most effective way to detox and cleanse the body. Besides that, I learned so much from this book that it has become a valuable resource to my life.  As the name implies, Heal Yourself 101 is a self-empowerment resource that teaches, in very simple language, the fundamental principles to achieving optimum health and wellness. The book teaches you how to heal yourself by making simple but necessary adjustments to your lifestyle, such as adopting a raw food lifestyle, doing regular cleansing, staying active, developing a positive and peaceful attitude towards life, and living life to the fullest.  At this point, I can hear you thinking “as if it's that easy”. While I can appreciate the difficulty of adopting a healthy lifestyle cold turkey, it’s worth making the effort when you consider the end goal. This...