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Showing posts from November, 2016

What Will it Take?

How valuable is it for us today, to leave a better world for our children tomorrow? How sincere are we in our intention and actions towards making the world more peaceful, abundant and equal? What are we each willing to sacrifice to realise a world of unity, peace, beauty and understanding? I don’t have the answers, but I sure would like to know. What will it take? What will it take for humanity to ‘wake up’ from the seeming slumber and actually take action towards what we know to be the truth? When will we start collectively moving towards realising that truth? Will the world ever change for the better?   Will the world ever know peace ? Has the world ever been at peace at one point in history? What will be the meaning of our current generation’s story in the future? How will we be remembered? Have we made any difference to the way things are? Have we only just scratched the surface in saving the world despite our good deeds, good intentions and prayers?...