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The Ebb and Flow: How To Create a Life of Balance as an Entrepreneur or Artist

Today I’m reflecting on what it means to live a life of ‘freedom’ as an entrepreneur or an artist. Ever hear that saying, ‘With great power comes great responsibility?” Well, I like to say, ‘with great freedom comes great responsibility’. 

That's because being an entrepreneur places you in a unique position of freedom and self-determination. It gives you more power over your life than you would have if you were working for someone else. 

It also means that you’re responsible for your time and productivity. You get to measure your own success by setting your own goals and standards for your work. So it can get pretty tricky trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t, and oftentimes you just have to learn through trial and error.  

Over time, you learn to balance productivity and self-care.  Because as important as it is to get out there and network, create strategies and do all that's necessary to bring your vision to life; it's equally important to take care of yourself and honour your energy so that you can maintain a decent quality of life. 

The Balance

Below I've got a list of strategies which I find very helpful in maintaining some kind of balance (and sanity) in my overall life as I pursue my dreams.  I hope you find these as helpful as I have over the years:                                                                                     

Find a Balance

It’s been said many times before, “when rejuvenated, work; when tired, rest”. Allowing yourself time to rest when necessary and actually pulling yourself away from your work every now and then can help you become even more productive. 

When you give your body and mind an opportunity to receive fresh energy, you stimulate creativity  and generate new ideas and concepts, which is great for your work! 

Planning is Key 

To-do lists and setting goals is very important for tracking progress and productivity. Make sure to utilise these tools every day to help you keep track of your work and so that you don’t miss anything. 

Pat Yourself on the Back

As important as it is to constantly challenge yourself to improve, it's equally important to periodically reflect on your achievements. 

No matter how big or small they are, appreciate yourself and your accomplishments. Why? Because this makes it easier to chart the way forward for bigger and better things.

Maximise Productivity 

I do this by planning my tasks for the day each morning, according to my excitement about them, as well as their urgency. Planning my day in this way has really improved my rate of productivity, while improving my goal setting ability as well. 

Get to Know Yourself 

Some people are more productive in the mornings and evenings than others, and some are more productive in the afternoons. Also, some times are better for creating and other times are better for consuming. 

Either way, it’s important to get to know when your ‘high energy points’ are in the day, and plan your tasks accordingly. For example, part of my work involves a lot of research which includes reading and watching content, although there’s a lot of writing and administrative tasks required as well. 

Because writing is more of a creative act, I prefer to do it in the mornings during my ‘high-energy’ spurts. That's also when I do most administrative tasks such as responding to emails and uploading content, because that’s when I’m most creative and energised. 

However as the day progresses, I tend to calm down a bit more and this puts me into a more receptive state where I like to read and do research and that sort of thing. So it’s important to align your actions with your energy so that you flow with the day effortlessly.  

Don't Beat Yourself Up

... over mistakes and don’t take criticism personally. Just take them as lessons to learn from and keep it moving.

Be Patient and Gentle With Yourself 

Listen to your inner voice and stay present with the ebb and flow within you because that represents the pulse of the Universe within you. Just like the night and day and the seasons of the year, it’s all connected through you. 

Honour that inner cycle and listen to your inner voice. Charge ahead and follow your excitement when the passionate energy of creation is flowing through you, and take time out to rest when the energy indicates that you should. 

Most importantly, embrace the journey of life with joy, wonder and balance.


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