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What is Breathwork? All You Need to Know About This Cutting-edge Practice

The term ‘breathwork’ is all the rage right now, with things like Kriya and Prana yoga becoming mainstream, not to mention the ever-popular Wim Hof breathing method . But, what is breathwork exactly?  Simply put, it’s a series of exercises, programs and techniques designed to enhance your conscious awareness of the breathing process (inhale and exhale) so you can get the most out of it.   Breathwork exercises work by promoting deep and focused breathing for a certain period of time. Most people perform breathwork techniques and exercises in order to improve their mental health, their spiritual well-being and even to strengthen the mind-body connection. Breathwork has also been shown to increase energy and promote a deep sense of calm and relaxation.  While there are many different forms of breathwork, it’s really all about conscious breathing. Most of us take breathing for granted and we don’t really consider the effects of breathing properly on our health.   If you’re looking into b
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